This page is In Progress

Notice: The WebPlatform project, supported by various stewards between 2012 and 2015, has been discontinued. This site is now available on github.


Overview Table

DOM Interface



The resulting image is an RGBA opaque image based on the light color where alpha = 1.0. The lighting calculation follows the standard diffuse component of the Phong lighting model. The resulting image depends on the light color, the light position, and the surface geometry of the input bump map.


Standards information


The SVGFEDiffuseLightingElement object has these properties:

  • diffuseConstant: Defines the diffuse reflection constant.
  • height: Gets or sets the height of an element.
  • in1: Identifies input for the given filter primitive.
  • kernelUnitLengthX: kernelUnitLength indicates the intended distance in current filter units for dx and dy in the surface normal calculation formulas.
  • kernelUnitLengthY: kernelUnitLength indicates the intended distance in current filter units for dx and dy in the surface normal calculation formulas.
  • result: Provides a reference for the output result of a filter.
  • width: Defines the width of an element.
  • x: Gets or sets the x-coordinate value.
  • y: Gets or sets the y-coordinate value.

See also

