JavaScript is the scripting language of the Web, enabling us to implement all kinds of powerful dynamic features.
The usage of JavaScript is not limited inside browsers. You can use it in server and console environments with Node.js, Rhino, Nashorn, or SpiderMonkey, or run it as an embedded language such as the JavaScript engine inside Java.
Note: If you are completely new to web development, you may want to review our Beginners section.
In This Section
- Objects
- Provides a list of objects with links to information about each object.
Constants - Provides a list of constants and links to information about each constant.
Properties - Provides a list of properties with links to information about each property.
Functions - Provides a list of functions with links to information about each function.
Methods - Provides a list of methods with links to information about each method.
Operators - Provides a list of operators with links to information about each operator.
Statements - Provides a list of statements with links to information about each statement.
JavaScript Directives - Includes links to directives.
JavaScript Reserved Words - Provides a list of reserved words. These words may not be used as identifiers.
JavaScript Future Reserved Words - Provides a list of future reserved words. These words may not be used as identifiers.
JavaScript is the scripting language of the web, allowing you to add dynamic behaviour to web documents. It was originally used for simple DOM manipulation, style switching and animated effects, but in recent times it has become so much more, with the advent of powerful APIs through the HTML5 specification, and the popularity of 3rd party libraries and applications such as jQuery, Node.js, Backbone.js and many others.
- First version: The first official version of JavaScript was called LiveScript, and shipped in Netscape Navigator 2.0 in 1995.
- Current stable version: JavaScript is based on the ECMAScript specification, published by Ecma International. ECMAScript version 5.1 is seen as the current stable version.
- Current and future work: ECMAScript version 6 is currently being worked on, but the development of JavaScript goes far beyond that. There are new JavaScript APIs being worked on all the time, in places such as the W3C HTML working group, and new JavaScript libraries appear all the time, on places like GitHub.
Contributing to the JavaScript technology
The standardisation of the ECMAScript language is handled by ECMA TC39; see TC39 latest work. The best place to go to find out more is the ECMAScript development homepage. The official ECMAScript conformance test suite is called test262 — contributions are welcome!
To contribute to other JavaScript-related technologies such as HTML5, jQuery, and other 3rd party libraries and frameworks, search for the appropriate working group, core team or developers!
Microsoft Developer Network: Windows Internet Explorer JavaScript reference Article