Notice: The WebPlatform project, supported by various stewards between 2012 and 2015, has been discontinued. This site is now available on github.

Managing MySQL Replication over SSL

WebPlatform server Infrastructure architecture menu

See also


How to manage communication and replication between MySQL servers across data-centers.


This document will follow those facts as a convention.

  • Master MySQL server is known as db1 and the replication is db2

In a few bullet points

  1. In /etc/mysql/my.cnf, make sure that each node has ‘ssl’ alone, close to the SSL certificates
  2. Create CA and self-signed certificates, see Salt TLS module (salt.modules.tls)
  3. Remove db2 MySQL entries from MediaWiki configuration files, sync them to app* servers
  4. On db2, Lock databases
  5. On db2, Dump database tables
  6. On db2, Unlock databases

Memory dump, using Salt stack

   salt 'db1*' tls.create_ca 'mysql' days=730 CN='db1-masterdb.production.wpdn' O='W3C' OU='WebPlatform Docs' emailAddress='EMAIL'


Checking if SSL is supported

Connect to the MySQL server in question and check if have_ssl is to YES

   mysql> SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'have_ssl';
   | Variable_name | Value |
   | have_ssl      | YES   |


Changing MariaDB replication master

Quoting what I wrote on a blog post I wrote on January 2015: Create a MariaDB cluster with replication over SSL:

  • From the masterdb MySQL server, in a command line session
  • Lock writes on masterdb databases FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK; (make sure this session stays open, the lock only lasts with the session you used to write it. See MariaDB flush tables pages)
  • From a secondary MySQL server; Wait replication to catch up SHOW SLAVE STATUS\G
  • Remove replication configuration
  • Tell all web apps to use new database master (from the salt master, change the infra:hosts_entries:masterdb key in /srv/pillar/infra/production.sls (or /srv/pillar/infra/staging.sls for staging).
  • From the masterdb; remove database lock by closing the session opened earlier
  • Setup new replication configuration to use new master

@@TODO, Make a more precise procedure with new setup and how to manage.
