Notice: The WebPlatform project, supported by various stewards between 2012 and 2015, has been discontinued. This site is now available on github.

Deploying code changes

WebPlatform server Infrastructure architecture menu

See also

This document describes how to apply code changes on managed web applications that runs

The way we update code is handled from the salt master and apply changes where it applies. To see the detail of what every VM has in common, refer to WPD/Infrastructure/architecture/Base_configuration_of_a_VM.

The process of deploying is going to change into something that will allow us to ensure that we can revert to the same state the web app was built from without any risks of broken external dependencies. see the project webplatform/ops milestone that has this objective.


This procedure will take into account that you have an existing set of VMs already installed WPD/Infrastructure/architecture/Base_configuration_of_a_VM and managed by the WPD/Infrastructure/architecture/The_salt_master.

In this example we’ll update the code on all VMs that fills the role of app.

Related; if you want to see how to update a database password and apply the changes to a managed web application, go to Create new database credentials and configure a web application to use it

  • First, make sure the role you want to target touches the VMs you want
 salt app\* grains.get roles
   - app
   - jobrunner
   - app
   - app

Running a code update

Deploying code on VMs of a given role:

 salt app\* state.sls code

You can also target the same set of VM using salt grains targeting variant;

 salt -G 'roles:app' state.sls code

Which is basically what the following command do;

 wpd-deploy app

The latter is an alias for the comfort of everyday use and can be done without being root.

Output should look like this;

Running wpd-deploy.png

Deploying/updating a web app

ANY deployment is made through Salt Stack. The deployment code is publicly available on GitHub as webplatform/salt-states.

Each role name states are defined in an sls file in /srv/salt/roles and from there, you’ll see any rsync scripts it uses to copy code the salt master hosts in /srv/code/foo/repo.

NOTE the command wpd-deploy foo ISN’T LIMITED to copying files from folders in /srv/code/foo/bar, its also about ensuring that some configuration are applied. Its prudent to double check what will happen always check the matching state (e.g. wpd-deploy foo) in the matching sls file (e.g. /srv/salt/roles/foo.sls)

To update a webapp, run the following commands. Salt will know which VM has to get the code:

wpd-deploy app ['’/srv/code/www/repo’’, '’/srv/code/compat/repo’’, '’/srv/code/dabblet/repo’’, ‘’/srv/code/wiki/repo’’]
wpd-deploy blog [‘’/srv/code/blog/repo’’]
wpd-deploy notes [‘’/srv/code/notes-server/repo’’]
wpd-deploy piwik [‘’/srv/code/piwik/repo’’]
wpd-deploy project [‘’/srv/code/buggenie/repo’’]
wpd-deploy accounts
