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The Salt Master

WebPlatform server Infrastructure architecture menu

See also

Deploying code changes on the site is made through a VM, named “salt” we refer to this machine as the “Salt Master” we generally connect through SSH at the name

Note staging environment’ salt master is accessible as

The software we use for configuration management is called Salt Stack, we refer to the machine that has a copy of all the configuration files.

Commands that can be done from the salt VM in the terminal, but some could also be visualized from within your local web browser through Read reports from a VM through private network in WPD/Infrastructure/architecture/Reports_to_review_status.

Also configured …

  • Runs fail2ban and bans successive unsuccessful login attempts (Possible attacks)

Centralized logging

The salt master in every environment receives raw logs from all the minions it controls. Here are a few log files you can tail.

local syslog-ng
Sent by Fastly
Sent by MediaWiki
Sent by MediaWiki
Sent through UDP

Sent by MediaWiki

MediaWiki config has a line $wpdUdp2logDest = 'salt:8420’; and other directives. All is setup via salt from the template at /srv/salt/code/files/docs/Settings.php.jinja and gets written to the wiki configuration at deploy time.

Sent through UDP

Each VM, except the salt master itself, should have a file in `/etc/rsyslog.d/60-local1.conf` for this purpose. The salt master is using syslog-ng to receive and write the log messages from the minions.

Setup is not fully trusted/reliable yet. I’m affraid we are losing packets due to many factors (if a minion VM doesnt find the salt master for any reason for example). This will be addressed, see WebPlatform GitHub operations issue tracker, at webplatform/ops#117

Sent by Fastly

Each service has a “Logging” setting to send through TCP from their respective services.