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Notice: The WebPlatform project, supported by various stewards between 2012 and 2015, has been discontinued. This site is now available on github.



This element defines parameters for plugins invoked by object elements.

Overview Table

DOM Interface


  • name = name of the parameter
    Gives the name of the parameter.
    This attribute must be present.
  • value = value of the parameter
    Gives the value of the parameter.
    This attribute must be present.


This example displays the Internet Explorer Data Binding component’s outerHTML so you can view the properties assigned by the PARAM elements. You can perform this check to gather information when debugging an OBJECT element’s properties. You cannot edit the object’s outerHTML property without reintializing the outerHTML object.

// The OBJECT CLASSID below is for the
// Microsoft Internet Explorer Data Binding component
// Use just the following HTML and press the button
  <PARAM NAME="DataURL" VALUE="DataBinding.csv">
<BUTTON onclick="oTxt.value=tdcContents.outerHTML">
Show Object outerHTML</BUTTON><BR/>
<TEXTAREA ID="oTxt"  STYLE="height:400; width:450;padding:3; overflow=auto;"> </TEXTAREA>
//When the button is pressed the complete list of the object's
// PARAM elements display unformatted in the TEXTAREA as follows:

<OBJECT id=tdcContents classid=clsid:333C7BC4-460F-11D0-BC04-0080C7055A83>
<PARAM NAME="RowDelim" VALUE="&#10;"><PARAM NAME="FieldDelim" VALUE=",">
<PARAM NAME="TextQualifier" VALUE='"'><PARAM NAME="EscapeChar" VALUE="">
<PARAM NAME="UseHeader" VALUE="0"><PARAM NAME="SortAscending" VALUE="-1">
<PARAM NAME="SortColumn" VALUE=""><PARAM NAME="FilterValue" VALUE="">
<PARAM NAME="FilterCriterion" VALUE="??"><PARAM NAME="FilterColumn" VALUE="">
<PARAM NAME="CharSet" VALUE=""><PARAM NAME="Language" VALUE="">
<PARAM NAME="CaseSensitive" VALUE="-1"><PARAM NAME="Sort" VALUE="">
<PARAM NAME="Filter" VALUE=""><PARAM NAME="AppendData" VALUE="0">
<PARAM NAME="DataURL" VALUE="DataBinding.csv">
<PARAM NAME="ReadyState" VALUE="4">

The following example shows how the param element can be used to pass a parameter to a plugin, in this case the O3D plugin

<html lang="en">
   <title>O3D Utah Teapot</title>
    <object type="application/">
     <param name="o3d_features" value="FloatingPointTextures">
     <img src="o3d-teapot.png"
          title="3D Utah Teapot illustration rendered using O3D."
          alt="When O3D renders the Utah Teapot, it appears as a squat
          teapot with a shiny metallic finish on which the
          surroundings are reflected, with a faint shadow caused by
          the lighting.">
     <p>To see the teapot actually rendered by O3D on your
     computer, please download and install the <a href="">O3D plugin</a>.</p>
    <script src="o3d-teapot.js"></script>



The PARAM element is valid within the APPLET, EMBED, and OBJECT elements. Note Properties set by a PARAM element cannot be altered by changing the PARAM object. After the APPLET, EMBED, or OBJECT element is instantiated, the property set by the PARAM element cannot be changed with the param object. To change the object’s properties, use the script properties exposed by the object.

HTML 5.1
W3C Working Draft
W3C Recommendation
HTML 4.01
W3C Recommendation
