Notice: The WebPlatform project, supported by various stewards between 2012 and 2015, has been discontinued. This site is now available on github.


Web Platform community meetings occur every week on Tuesdays, 18:00 UTC / 13:00 ET / 10:00 PT.

Note: Content programming meeting are currently where we’re convening.

The rest of this information is out-of-date and maintained for archival purposes only. Agendas and minutes for current meetings are distributed via the webplatform email list.

Agenda 4 December 2012

  • Welcome

  • Review of open action items

    1. ACTION, Alex K: Implement attributes/actions stuff (carried over)

    2. ACTION, Doug S: Write up proposal for usage of data from caniuse, quirks mode, etc. on Wiki, and send link to list (carried over)

    3. ACTION: Paul I: Do further investigation into feasibility of markdown tool (carried over)

    4. ACTION, Doug S: Write up guide on how to do translations by hand (carried over)

    5. ACTION, Peter L: Follow up with evangelization of WPD docsprint at Google (carried over)

    6. ACTION, Peter L: Write blog posts about next doc sprint on Dec 12th in Mountain View, continue organization for this

    7. ACTION, Doug S: Set Peter up with permissions to write blog post on

    8. ACTION, all: Make our internal company teams aware of the doc sprint, and get interested parties to sign up and contribute

    9. ACTION, Doug S: Approach Event Apart/Web directions folks about doing WPD doc sprints to tie into their events. (carried over, Doug has already started a conversation with John Allsopp, AEA folks still to be approached)

    10. ACTION, Doug S: Make more progress towards hosting Webplatform skin on GitHub (carried over, Doug has made progess on this, but needs to confer with Alex about best way to do this; Fr0zenice has looked at some of this stuff as well, in terms of what he wants to help with)

    11. ACTION, Doug S: Post a proposal to the list about best solution for duplicate title problem (carried over: progress made, plugin worked on, but Doug needs to wait for Ryan to get back off vacation to check that this will work)

    12. ACTION, Peter L: Create Sprint in a Box package for docsprints (carried over: Still needs to be finished, but progress has been made, Andre from Adobe helped him out)

    13. ACTION, Garbee: Continue working on solution for issue/bug tracking, as we really need a better way to do this.

    14. ACTION, Julee: Send around mail about Wednesday Content TF meeting, and send around Doodle poll to agree on better time for Content TF meetings DONE

    15. ACTION, Chris M: Work on milestones and roles for upcoming important tasks - make wiki page, then list 10 or so milestones that we really need to do; also encourage others to add their own. Things to definitely put on there - session handling issues, recruiting specific content contributors (to work on CSS, JS, etc.), dealing with spam

    16. ACTION, Doug S: Send summary to mailing list of everything he can find to do with statistics

  • Content Task Force summary

  • How to deal with spam content

  • What other root topic pages we want to link from the Main Page. We already have concepts, html, css, javascript, accessibility, svg. But we should probably have dom as a top level root page as well.

  • Updating main page and template. Chris has a few things he’d like to do that require this, but he just don’t have the power.

  • AOB

Agenda 27 November 2012

  • Welcome
  • Triage of new bugs
  • Review of open action items
  • Content Task Force summary
    • Next steps with Content Task Force
  • Issue / bug tracking
  • Defining roles and milestones
  • Discuss the DocSprint being held on the 12th of December.
  • Anything else brought up during the conference.