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Notice: The WebPlatform project, supported by various stewards between 2012 and 2015, has been discontinued. This site is now available on github.




The contents of values depends on the value of attribute type, as indicated in the following:

For type="matrix", values is a list of 20 matrix values (a00 a01 a02 a03 a04 a10 a11 … a34), separated by whitespace and/or a comma. For example, the identity matrix could be expressed as:

For type="saturate", values is a single real number value (0 to 1). A saturate operation is equivalent to the following matrix operation: For type="hueRotate", values is a single real number value (degrees). A hueRotate operation is equivalent to the following matrix operation: where the terms a00, a01, …, a22 are calculated as follows: Thus, the upper-left term of the hue matrix turns out to be: For type="luminanceToAlpha", values is not applicable. A luminanceToAlpha operation is equivalent to the following matrix operation:

If the values attribute is not specified, then the default behavior depends on the value of attribute type. If type="matrix", then this attribute defaults to the identity matrix. If type="saturate", then this attribute defaults to the value 1, which results in the identity matrix. If type="hueRotate", then this attribute defaults to the value 0, which results in the identity matrix.


Standards information

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