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Notice: The WebPlatform project, supported by various stewards between 2012 and 2015, has been discontinued. This site is now available on github.



Creates a deep copy of this AnimationGroup object using the following procedure.

Let source be this AnimationGroup object, the object to be cloned. Let cloned timing be a new AnimationTimingProperties object whose members are assigned the value of the attribute with the same name on source.timing. Let cloned children be an empty sequence of AnimationNode objects. For each child in source.children, append the result of calling child.clone() to cloned children. Return a new AnimationGroup object created by calling the AnimationGroup constructor with parameters AnimationGroup(cloned children, cloned timing).

Method of apis/web_animations/AnimationGroupapis/web_animations/AnimationGroup


var  = .clone();

Return Value

Returns an object of type ObjectObject