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Sets how shapes and images are drawn onto the existing bitmap once they have had globalAlpha and the current transformation matrix applied.

Property of apis/canvas/CanvasRenderingContext2Dapis/canvas/CanvasRenderingContext2D


var result = CanvasRenderingContext2D.globalCompositeOperation;
CanvasRenderingContext2D.globalCompositeOperation = value;

Return Value

Returns an object of type StringString

Must be set to a value from the following list. In the descriptions below, the source image, A, is the shape or image being rendered; the destination image, B, is the current state of the bitmap. Note: Values are case-sensitive.

  • “source-atop” - A atop B. Display the source image wherever both images are opaque. Display the destination image wherever the destination image is opaque but the source image is transparent. Display transparency elsewhere.
  • “source-in” - A in B. Display the source image wherever both the source image and destination image are opaque. Display transparency elsewhere.
  • “source-out” - A out B. Display the source image wherever the source image is opaque and the destination image is transparent. Display transparency elsewhere.
  • “source-over” (default) - A over B. Display the source image wherever the source image is opaque. Display the destination image elsewhere.
  • “destination-atop” - B atop A. Same as source-atop but using the destination image instead of the source image and vice versa.
  • “destination-in” - B in A. Same as source-in but using the destination image instead of the source image and vice versa.
  • “destination-out” - B out A. Same as source-out but using the destination image instead of the source image and vice versa.
  • “destination-over” - B over A. Same as source-over but using the destination image instead of the source image and vice versa.
  • “lighter” - A plus B. Display the sum of the source image and destination image, with color values approaching 255 (100%) as a limit.
  • “copy” - A (B is ignored). Display the source image instead of the destination image.
  • “xor” - A xor B. Exclusive OR of the source image and destination image.
  • vendorName-operationName - Vendor-specific extensions to the list of composition operators should use this syntax.


This example draws two pairs of overlapping rectangles using different globalCompositionOperation values. In the example, the first rectangle of each pair (green) is the destination; the second rectangle of each pair (yellow) is the source. Thus in the first source-over pair, yellow overlays green; in the second destination-over pair, green overlays yellow.

<canvas id="myCanvas" width="300" height="150" style="border:1px solid blue;"></canvas>
<p>. . .</p>
var can = document.getElementById("myCanvas");
var ctxt = can.getContext("2d");
ctxt.fillStyle = "green";
ctxt.fillRect(20, 30, 80, 50);
ctxt.fillStyle = "yellow";
ctxt.globalCompositeOperation = "source-over";
ctxt.fillRect(50, 60, 80, 50);

ctxt.fillStyle = "green";
ctxt.fillRect(150, 30, 80, 50);
ctxt.fillStyle = "yellow";
ctxt.globalCompositeOperation = "destination-over";
ctxt.fillRect(180, 60, 80, 50);


You can copy images directly, or you can apply them depending on the opacity or transparency of the images or by using an XOR operation. Values are case-sensitive. If you set an unsupported or unrecognized value, globalCompositeOperation retains the previous value.

Related specifications

W3C HTML Canvas 2D Context
W3C Candidate Recommendation
