Notice: The WebPlatform project, supported by various stewards between 2012 and 2015, has been discontinued. This site is now available on github.

WebPlatform Docs, weekly telcom meeting 2014-09-16 =


Almost-quorum of 4

  • Jen Simmons (jensimmons)
  • Eliot Graff (eliot)
  • Scribe: Amelia Bellamy-Royds (AmeliaBR)
  • Chair: Doug Schepers (shepazu)


  • Update on ongoing projects
  • what’s next for compatibility tables


Update on ongoing projects

   shepazu (chairing): schedule -- will be away later in the month, vacation
   plus speaking in Sao Paolo; original plan included a DocSprint, but the
   local organization has changed over and it looks like it will be more

   ...recap from last week: we discussed options for a "mini DocSprint",
   getting people introduced to the concept, some editing, encouraging
   translation into Portuguese

   ...we really want translations for languages in areas where English is not
   a significant second language

   eliot: Russian would be another

   shepazu: translations are something we should put focus on, have a strategy
   around it

   ... last week we also talked about the HTML5 recommendation status
   announcement, considered whether we could have comprehensive HTML docs by
   then, but that doesn't seem likely.  Amelia suggested that we prep things
   so we are ready for new contributors on HTML, and capitalize on the
   announcement to encourage people to document the now-defined standard.

   eliot: Our goal (as organizers) has not been to do the documentation, but
   to create the infrastructure for the community to write docs, so that seems
   like a good strategy

   shepazu: By that time, in less than a few weeks, we should have a
   functional annotation system.

   ... we want people to go through the specs, identify areas that need

   AmeliaBR: Clarify: annotations for the specs or annotations for webplatform

   shepazu: they are one and the same,

   ...we've been working (with renoirb) and the Hypothesis team on this, and
   there will be a way for you to search all annotations everywhere; e.g., you
   could search "SVG" and "needs example"

   ... the annotation system will be for our pages, on the wiki, but there
   will also be a script on certain W3 specifications, that will be connected
   to our server.

   ... Instead of sending an email, they will make an account on our server
   and create a note there which will tie our docs back into the W3 specs.

   ... It also lets people leave comments on specifications, about what should
   be documented on webplatform docs.

   ... e.g., could identify a specific sentence or detail about an element,
   that comment would show up on the webplatform page about that element as
   well as on the specs.  Then when the documentation is taken care of, that
   comment could be closed in both places.

   ... and vice versa: if someone leaves a comment on our docs, e.g., that
   something is really confusing, that something should be changed in the
   actual specs, that comment can easily be connected back to the actual specs.

   ...we're hoping to get that virtuous cycle going.

   ... Amelia, what else did we do last week?

Compatibility tables

   AmeliaBR: renoirb gave us an update on compatibility tables, he also sent
   some updates to the email list since then

   shepazu: now we have to decide if we want to work on the caniuse data, or
   focus on the W3 test data

   AmeliaBR: I'd recommend focusing energy on the test suite, rather than
   spending a lot of time on

   jensimmons: but what is the test data like?  I use caniuse all the time,
   that's existing, reliability data



   jensimmons: that link, is that the tests, or is that the data?  it's a
   terrible user interface

   shepazu: it is a terrible user interface, there's lots of data, but it's
   not easily available

   jensimmons: well that could be the differentiator, where we could make a

   eliot: the data is there, but it's not available in a universal way.  Also,
   while it's great to have tests connected to the specs, it's nice to have a
   more top-level practical synthesis, which is what caniuse does well

   AmeliaBR: In a way, the caniuse data complements the MDN data, because it
   focuses on the top-level, big concepts, while MDN is more
   element-by-element, attribute-by-attribute.  So if we can integrate that
   easily in our structure, that would be beneficial to have compat data on
   top-level pages

   shepazu: I'm kind of on the fence.  We would have to massage the caniuse
   data a lot; but, when we adapted the MDN data, we did use codes and info
   similar to what caniuse uses, for e.g. whether polyfill or prefix is

   ...but we would have to work on the mapping of their data to our

   ...and it's not just the data, it's whether we would add anything as far as
   making it easier to access

   jensimmons: is the plan to merge all the data into one super data set, or
   are we going to be displaying this side by side?

   shepazu: no, I think we'd have to decide, for any given page, which data to
   use.  Since the caniuse data is based on some testing, it would probably
   replace the MDN data, if there was a one-to-one match.  Then later, if we
   have the W3 data, that could replace

   jensimmons: But we also have to be careful, e.g. tests might not catch all
   the little nuances, where caniuse has notes or explanations that someone
   has gone in and added

   AmeliaBR: The difference is that W3 tests try to represent that with
   multiple tests, each of which catches a different situation or edge case,
   rather than summing it up with one measurement.  But we'd have to decide
   how to display that information.

   jensimmons: The other great thing about caniuse is that they clearly
   display the versions of web browsers, which is much more relevant than just
   saying something "is supported in Chrome"

   shepazu: that's what I was saying, it's not just the data, it's how they
   display it, which caniuse does so well

   ... we really want to get away from the idea of just being another MDN.  We
   want to look at other added benefits.  E.g., caniuse has better compat
   data, but we not the other info

   ... but I still want to be better than "MDN + caniuse data"; which even
   that isn't straightforward, because the level of detail doesn't match up

   ... jen, maybe if you could think, looking at the caniuse data, how would
   that be effectively integrated into a larger page, having all that
   information about current, older and future versions, but display that

   ... similarly, another design challenge, is how to integrate the W3 tests;
   when you have 30 tests on a property, and a browser passes 25 of them, how
   do you display that information in a summary level, that someone could
   click on to drill down and discover the specific cases where it is or isn't

   ...or, if you want to see how a feature is used, look at how the actual
   tests are written to see that.  Do you want to think about that?

   jensimmons:  On that issue, we could argue about what percentage of tests
   is required for support, but some tests are more important than others, and
   there's no way to program robots to be that smart.  So I think what you're
   saying is good, don't try to convert to a binary supports/doesn't support,
   just display the number of tests passed, and click on it for the details,
   but the trick is to display that extended information in a useful way.

   ...but another thing, is to make sure that there is way for people to come
   along, if they do understand it, to translate it into a human explanation
   for others

   ...they could write "oh this is a little edge case, it's mostly supported",
   or "this is a major problem, don't use this feature yet"

   shepazu: A third, hybrid option, is to add the data to the page, but also
   work to categorize the tests as edge cases vs core features, and feed that
   information back to the test suite.

   ... I think that's what you were getting at, but the next step is to leave
   the data on the tests

   jensimmons: I think most people wouldn't really care about that.

   shepazu: the difference is, that once we've categorized things, then it can
   be updated automatically and affect how we display the information; people
   wouldn't have to read this, but it would affect what they'd see.

   ...somebody could take that data, and update it, for example if things that
   used to be edge cases are now being commonly used

   ...that would be a way of giving feedback to implementers, that this
   specific test is important to us now

   jensimmons: there are these sort of bleeding-edge technologies, like
   viewport units that you can mostly use, but you have to be careful, about
   where you can or can't use them, some are well supported (vh and vw),
   others are buggy (vmin, vmax) have someone say, these things are important, they are supported,
   other things maybe it's not clear where they would be used, because they
   don't have the support to actually use them and discover the different ways
   they could be used

   shepazu: either way, we're talking about adding human annotation over the
   test results.  If you can all think about how this could be better
   displayed or integrating, not just better than we're doing now, but better
   than everyone else, to display it more compactly, more accurately, I think
   that would be really useful.

   AmeliaBR: I think, what we want is to have the convenience, the level of
   detail about versions, that caniuse has, but have it at the much more
   detailed level as far as specific features

   shepazu: I think we have to do that, because that's how our site is laid
   out; we can't use it just as caniuse has it, because it doesn't fit in our

   jensimmons: I can definitely start thinking about it

   AmeliaBR: long term, I'd really like to get to know the data on the W3
   tests, and figure out how we can put a decent interface to that