Property of dom/HTMLElementdom/HTMLElement
var result = element.outerText;
element.outerText = value;
This example uses the outerText property to replace an object’s content; the object itself also is replaced.
<DIV ID=oDiv>
<P ID=oPara>Here's the text that will change.</P>
<BUTTON onclick="oPara.outerText='WOW!
It changed!'">Change text</BUTTON>
<BUTTON onclick="oDiv.innerHTML='<P ID=oPara>
And back again</P>'">Reset</BUTTON>
The outerText property is read-only on the html, tBody, td, tFoot, th, tHead, and tr objects. When this property is set, the given string completely replaces the original text in the object. You can set this property only after the onload event fires on the window. When dynamically creating a tag using TextRange, innerHTML, or outerHTML, use script to create new events to handle the newly formed tags. Microsoft Visual Basic Scripting Edition (VBScript) is not supported. You can change the value of the title element using the title property. To change the contents of the table, tFoot, tHead, and tr elements, use the table object model. For example, use the rowIndex property or the rows collection to retrieve a reference to a specific table row. You can add or delete rows using the insertRow and deleteRow methods. To retrieve a reference to a specific cell, use the cellIndex property or the cells collection. You can add or delete rows using the insertCell and deleteCell methods. To change the content of a particular cell, use the innerHTML property.
Microsoft Developer Network: [Windows Internet Explorer API reference Article]