After review this should be replaced by text-decoration should it not?
This property will set the underline style for text with a line value for underline, overline, and line-through.
Overview table
- Initial value
- Applies to
- All textual elements
- Inherited
- No
- Media
- visual
- Computed value
- specified value - except for initial and inherit
- Animatable
- No
- Percentages
- N/A
- none
- This will produce no line.
- solid
- This will produce a solid line.
- double
- This will produce a double line.
- dotted
- This will produce a dotted line.
- dashed
- This will produce a dashed line
- dot-dash
- This will produce a line that has a repeating pattern of a dot followed by a dash.
- dot-dot-dash
- This will produce a line that has a repeating pattern of two dots followed by a dash.
- wave
- This will produce a wavy line.